Čeština German English

About the Company:

   SAD is a fruitgrowing company located close to Prague in Czech Republic. The orchard acreage is app. 430 ha, including it’s own nursery and is managed by Belgian fruitspecialists. SAD is one of the biggest growers of SWEET CHERRIES in Europe, with a large number of varieties, giving it’s customers the best cherries for the whole season.

Beside sweet cherries, SAD is also growing sour cherries and pears. All fruits are grown in modern orchards, with irrigation, integrated pest management and frost protection. Spacious cooling boxes, hydro-cooling and modern grading machines are a guarantee for top quality fruit from field to consumer. Own transport gives you deliveries ‘just in time’. Fruits are sold under the BOHEMIA brand.

Bohemia Trademark

© SAD, s.r.o. 2015
Čeština German English